Saturday, November 10, 2012

We made it!

We left Biloxi, Mississippi this morning so early that it feels like it was days ago!
 Not long after we got our start, we crossed into Alabama...
And still after that, we finally made it to Florida! Which, by the way, looks suspiciously like Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama...

Today's drive really seemed to take a lot longer than yesterday's. Maybe it was because of the anticipation we had for the end of today. :) The drive itself was uneventful... two lanes and lots of trees. As soon as we hit the Florida state line and found the sign to snap our picture, I was out like a light! I'm so thankful that Chris was at the wheel and I could snooze in peace! We turned on our Disney Pandora station about 2 hours into Florida to get us in a Disney frame of mind. Our adoring parents were blowing up our phones with text message versions of "It's a Small World" and bickering back and forth about who ate the rest of the Cheetos. It was almost unbelievable that they were several hundreds of miles away and not right in the back seat! :)

Around 5:45 this afternoon we finally arrived at our destination!! Walt Disney World! I was on sensory overload for probably 30 minutes. I didn't even want to blink for fear that I would miss something magical! From here, it was just a short drive to get to our resort!

I'll try to snap a picture of the lobby some time this week to show you how wonderful it is! Colorful and full of animations from Disney! We checked in with Sarah and she gave us more information than we can possibly absorb about the parks and resorts. She also gave us special buttons to wear to let everyone know that it is our 5th anniversary! Finally, she gave us our room keys and told us how to get to the Little Mermaid buildings! The next few pictures are of our home for the next 8 days!
Here we go! The Little Mermaid Room!!! 

The Seashell beds!Of course with Flounder and Sebastian hanging out too!

Mickey shaped towels from our housekeeper!

Chris was appalled that Ariel didn't have more clothes on...but she is on the shower curtain after all...
The inside of the shower is just like Ariel's treasure trove!

I can't say that my heart didn't pitter patter just a little with this picture of Prince Eric and Max!
After we got everything settled, we headed out for our first dinner reservation. We went to Disney Hollywood Studios and were greeted with our first glimpse of Disney's holiday spirit!

Once we finally made it through the gate, I was again overcome with excitement! Lights, buildings, people, mouse went on and on!
We were pretty early so we started to walk around to see what we could see. It seemed like everyone was leaving just as we were arriving so it felt more and more like we were getting the park all to ourselves. :) I can't wait to go back and visit when we can spend more time at the attractions. Our reservation was at 8:15pm at The 50's Prime Time Cafe. It was an adorable restaurant themed completely around America in the 1950's. Old school televisions, wood panelling, and 50's Pop art everywhere! When we walked in, the hostess called us kids and we thought it was charming. We were early so we sat in the lounge until the table was ready. Every time the hostess called a family for their table, they called them by their last name and then "kids". So when we were up, they hollered out, "Madigan Kids! It's time to eat!" It was really fun! We each had the sampler special and it was DELICIOUS! A little fried chicken, a little pot roast and a little meatloaf with all the fixin's! Our table had an old black and white TV running old 1950's shows. Our waitress' name was Cousin Marnie. She challenged us to come up with 20 movies that Disney made that only have 1 word in the title and that are animated. It could be Disney and Pixar. It was a lot harder than I thought! Can you do it????

Now we are back in our hotel room and talking about what tomorrow will look like. We are planning to do Epcot tomorrow. They have a food and wine festival that we have heard great things about. YUM! :) we are really looking forward to it all! I know this post got pretty long with all the pictures, today was a busy day. We will set out tomorrow with our walking shoes on and our Happy anniversary buttons securely in place. Thanks for reading along! TwoMadigans, OUT!


  1. Thanks for sharing with us...and tell Chris, at least Ariel is on the outside of the shower curtain, otherwise it would just be creepy!

  2. This is so fun to "travel" with you! You both look like you are having SUCH a great time! You are inspiring me to make some plans... or at least talk to Josh about our tenth anniversary. It will be here Aug 2014. This is just so fun! I love the pics! But I didn't get how your parents were bickering about Cheetos if they weren't there with you to eat them. Were they asking who ate the rest of them at their house? If so, I do know other families that need to hunt down food perpetrators via text. Your fam wouldn't be the only ones.
