Sunday, November 18, 2012

A Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Trip!

Yesterday morning we packed up early, had breakfast and lots of coffee at the resort restaurant. The food we got was not very tasty and it was pretty cold, so we really just picked at it and settled in for more coffee. We had a lunch reservation back at The Magic Kingdom at Tony's Town Square restaurant so we boarded the monorail to get there in time for that. We got to do a few more things we hadn't done a few days before when we went. We rode the train, watched a couple of Main Street shows/parades and we met Mickey! He even gave me a kiss on my cheek to say congratulations on our anniversary! Here are a few picture from our "last hooray".

Here we are at Tony's at the Magic Kingdom! It was themed to Lady and the Tramp. Perfectly wonderful! I had meatball sliders and Chris had an arugula pizza. I wasn't crazy about mine, but then I've never been crazy about meatballs...why then did I order meatball sliders? You're guess is as good as mine!

This dish I really loved! Pumpkin Cheesecake! With a portrait of Lady and the Tramp dusted in Cocoa! YUMMY and completely whimsical!
Chris got the Spumoni and said it was tasty! But that cherry sugar art got stuck in our teeth! :-/
Here we are with Mickey! The only Character picture we got!
Disney in our rear view window :(

So that's it. We are safe and sound back at home in Katy, Texas. We are completely exhausted. We had originally planned on stopping to rest over night somewhere between here and there, but we decided to push through to get home early. The trip home has really zapped our energy. We rested a little while when we arrived at the house before heading back out to get Toby from Waggin' Tails Ranch. He has been out cold ever since we got home! I hope that means he had a great time just like us!

I asked Chris what his favorite part about the whole trip was and he couldn't think of just one part. He said that The Magic Kingdom probably had the most fun things to do, but he really liked being able to try all the different restaurants. I think my favorite part was also the Magic Kingdom for all the whimsy and fairytale environment. But a close second was Epcot! I loved the Food and Wine Festival and all the things we got to try from different countries.

I have really enjoyed keeping this blog and I hope you have loved reading along with our adventure. We are so thankful we had this opportunity. If you ever decide to go, give me a call or drop me a note! We can now officially give you the in's and out's of Walt Disney World! TwoMadigans, OUT!

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