Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Magic Kingdom!

Yes, people! Today was the day we finally made it to Disney's Magic Kingdom! It was definitely a MAGICAL day!! Because we are staying in one of the WDW Resorts, we had the opportunity to get into the park an hour early today! It was awesome to get in there before the masses and see where everything was and jump in line early. We headed straight for Adventureland! The first thing we did was get a fastpass for the Jungle Cruise so that we could go on the Pirates of the Caribbean! While we were getting the passes, a cast member named Jeff came up to us and told us happy anniversary. He asked us how many years and after some light conversation, he ended up giving us 6 fast passes that we could use at any time for any ride all day long! It was so awesome! With the help of those fast passes, we didn't spend more than 20 minutes in ANY line that we stood in today!

Here we are in front of Cinderella Castle!
Here I am with a Dole Whip Float in one hand and my coffee in the other! Both necessary to complete the day!
The Parks are beautiful with all the Christmas decorations up!!!
Here's another look at Cinderella Castle. Did you know that it's only about 4 stories tall? The builders scaled down each piece the further up it was to make it look farther away than it actually is! So cool!

Today, we also got to check out the new Fantasyland! It's amazing! There are new attractions and classic characters! We rode the new Littel Mermaid ride and filmed the whole thing for my BFF, Christina! The two new castles are Prince Eric's from The Little Mermaid and the Beauty and the Beast Castle! And, oh YES. We got to eat inside the Beauty and the Beast Castle!!! That may have been my favorite part of the whole day! It was completely enchanting. We walked in through a hall lined with suits of armor to a host who greeted us with a cheerful "Bonjour, and Happy Anniversary!". He then gave us an enchanted rose and another host took us to a touch screen for us to place our order for lunch. We waved our enchanted rose in front of a sensor at the screen and chose our meals. (We both had scrumptious steak sandwiches and gourmet cupcakes!) After placing our order, we were led into the ballroom of the castle to choose a table to sit at! To help you picture what we were seeing, just think about the movie. Imagine the walls, the chandeliers, the ceilings, the was JUST like that! I felt completely transported to the Beauty and the Beast movie! The other options for dining, were the West Wing and another ballroom! I'm telling you, just like the movie! I sat in awe the whole time. Once we chose a table to sit at, we set our enchanted rose on the table and that charming piece wirelessly guided our waiter to our table with our order! I hope I get to tell people about this experience in person...

Here's the stunning ballroom that we ate lunch in today!

Look! Here we are! It looked like it was snowing just past those windows and there was Beauty and the Beast music being played just loud enough to be perfect. :)
(PS: I tried to upload a few more pictures, but for some reason it isn't working. :-/ )

After lunch, we rode a few more rides and had a lot of fun! We rode everything we wanted to and even saw a parade that came down Main Street! Before we left, we rode Space Mountain again for good measure and then headed for the car. Tomorrow is shopping day at Downtown Disney and maybe another round of mini golf at a different course. We are also looking for a fun restaurant to try out tomorrow. Tomorrow is a big day for us - officially 5 years of wonderful marriage and partnership with my best friend. Definitely looking forward to sleeping in a little and giving our feet a break from the abuse we've given them the last few days for the sake of happiness. :)  Thanks for reading along with us! TwoMadigans, OUT!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Christen how enchanting! You can call me anytime to tell me all about it!
