Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A wimp and a brave, brave soul

Yay for today! Today we went back to Disney's Hollywood Studios (DHS). You may remember that the very first day we arrived, we came to DHS for our dinner reservation at the Prime time Cafe. This time we came in full day light. We set the alarm for 9am and finally dragged ourselves out of bed at 10:45. :) We made it to the park at about 12:00. I know it was wishful thinking, but I was hoping, "hey! It's a Wednesday! The park won't be that busy!" WRONG. It was packed and swarming with people, big and small. Side note: did you know that there are a BUNCH of wheelchairs rolling around all these parks?! I mean it seems like 1 out of every 10 people have a wheelchair! And I'm not gonna lie...Chris and I have contemplated renting one and switching off who rides and who pushes...

This is one of the first things we chose to do today. At DHS, they have their own American Idol set up! They let guests from the park audition and sing in front of an audience. It was really neat. We went to one of the preliminary auditions and got to vote on who would go to the finale which would be held this evening at 7:30. I chose the first girl who sang and Chris chose the last guy. It ended up that the last guy won and went to the finale. Since we felt somewhat invested (albeit just a tiny bit), we went back to see how Chris' vote fared in the Finale. As it turns out, he impressed a lot of people and won the whole thing! The grand prize was that he gets to jump to the front of the line for any of the real American Idol auditions in any city! So if you watch that show this year, look for Ernie Lijoi! We helped DISCOVER him! :)

I encouraged Chris to try out because he has a really beautiful voice for singing. We missed the auditions for today, but he's thinking about going back on Friday if we have time. I KNOW he could win the whole thing! Do y'all have any suggestions for what song he should try out with??? Go Chris!

After the American Idol show, we went to look at "the back lot". We snapped a pic of a wall that looks like it's actually leading down a street in SanFran. There were a few rides we wanted to do, but the lines were out of control! 90 minutes for the Little Mermaid ride! So many people that wanted to do that ride that the fastpass option was sold out by noon! We never had a chance! But that's ok. We found another ride worth waiting for....MUAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!
DUH! The Tower of Terror Ride! This is a pic of us waiting in the 45 minute line to get the crap scared out of us! I am such a wimp when it comes to rides like this, (hence the blog title!) but Chris really wanted to do it and I wanted to do it with him. It's been a week of trying new things and trying all over again to impress my husband! However, I was not so impressive once I got on the ride. I was terrified, (way to go, Disney. Nice name for your little ride!). I screamed like I have never screamed before and had a white knuckled grip on the bar in front of me. Before they boarded us on the "elevator" I was so nervous and I kept telling Chris that I hoped they wouldn't put us in the front row. And of course that's exactly where they put us....then once I sat down, I realized something awful - the only thing holding you in that dinky little seat is a belt!!!!!!!!! Nothing over your bars across your lap...just a seat belt! As soon as we got off that thing, I couldn't even talk to Chris because my nerves were shot. I teared up and everything! I could have given into hysterics, but bravely refrained.
This is me after the ride. Can you see the tears in my eyes?!
After that horrifying experience, we went to DHS' Fantasmic show! It is a pretty big deal around that place and they recommend that you show up at least an hour early. Being over achievers (us and 500 others), we were there an hour and a half early. We sat down and waited and waited and waited. eventually the kid sitting next to me got friendly and let me share his new bubble gun. He was pretty hyper and I think his parents were just glad that I wasn't creepy-looking and that their slightly annoying child had someone else to distract.
Eventually the show started and it was beautiful! Here's a video I tried to get of part of the show!
Now the day is winding down and we are catching an episode of Duck Dynasty as we relax before bed. :) All in all, a really great day. Tomorrow is the day we finally go to the Magic Kingdom! I'm so excited! I'm going to put my feet up in preparation of the many miles I'm sure we will get to walk tomorrow. Thanks for reading along with us! TwoMadigans, OUT!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness Christen I would have been the same way on that ride, to scary. But I am proud of you! I am so happy you guys are having a great time, and I love reading all about it! Love you two!
