Friday, October 26, 2012

Costume Change and Waggin' Tails

I'm just soon is too soon after the previous blog post to add a new one? I'm claiming ignorance until someone tells me otherwise.....

Last night, after writing my first post, I got even more excited. I bought and began to read two books on the secrets and hidden magic of Walt Disney World. I agree with the authors that the magic of this place is in the details! There are so many wonderful things I'm sure we would have missed if we hadn't been filled in! Did you know that the pavement that lines Main Street are a particular shade of red based on Kodak's recommendation for great photos?! I love all that I'm learning.

These are my Minnie Ears complete with fabulous bows! I've got 4 adorable options to make sure I'm appropriately outfitted each day that we are at WDW. I still haven't got a commitment from Chris if he will wear anything as dedicated...

So now I'm down to just 14 days away. I like to think of it as not next week but the week after... :) Not sure why I think that sounds better.

This is our dog, Toby. While we are enjoying Disney World, Toby will be enjoying a vacation of sorts also! Toby will be staying and playing at The Waggin' Tails Ranch here in Katy. They have him booked for the entirety of our trip to Florida. There is a swimming pool shaped like a bone, a huge yard to play in and lots of other doggie friends! We really love our pup, but we are definitely ready for a break from our Toby-chores! He's going to get a BATH the day we pick him up! Toby loves baths and we LOVE not having to be the one's to give it to him! I'm sure he will have a great time there and not even notice that we are gone!

I heard that some folks were having trouble commenting on the first post. My lovely Mother-In-Law discovered that you need to have a gmail account to be able to comment on the blog page. It's ok if you don't want to set one up just for this (if you don't already have one), so I'll be sure that I also share this on facebook whenever I post.

Mickey and Minnie are coming closer and closer into focus. 14 days and counting. I fall asleep thinking about the trip hoping that I will dream about it. WDW, we're coming for YOU! TwoMadigans, OUT!!


  1. So, why Disney World? What is the back story for why this is the destination of choice? And of course at some point you have to share your favorite Disney movie (I hope I didn't miss that detail in the first post.)

    1. I've always loved Disney for the stories, the characters and the attention to detail. I think part of the reason I'm so excited about this particular trip is because since our Honeymoon, Chris and I have never been able to vacation for just the two of us. We usually go to CA to see family and friends, and while we adore that time and wouldn't trade it, it's going to be nice to have it just be us! :) Neither of us has ever been and we are looking forward to experienceing it for the first time together! :)

  2. Okay, I just read in your profile that you like Tangled and Enchanted. I saw Tangled but not Enchanted. My fave was always Beauty and the Beast because Belle had brown hair :) But then I really like Mulan. The story of Mulan as is great, but the little red dragon is hilarious. Those are my two favorite Disney movies. B&B and Mulan.

    1. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Mulan! Great music and story. Clsasic Disney, my favorite is Sleeping Beauty because I like the little fairies. :) I have Enchanted, and if you send me a private FB message with your address, I'll lend it to you! It's not to be missed! :) Miss you! HUGS!
